Georgina Rodriguez Diet Plan and Workout Routine: Georgina Rodriguez is a model known for being a partner of Cristiano Ronaldo since 2017 and also for her modeling shoots.
Georgina Rodriguez is indeed known for her excellent fit and toned body shape. So if you also want to know more about the Georgina Rodriguez workout and the Georgina Rodriguez diet plan, keep reading.

Georgina Rodriguez Diet Plan and Workout Routine
Georgina Rodriguez Workout Routine
Georgina Rodriguez is one of the most well-known models and personalities around the globe. She has over 29 million followers on her Instagram and gets widely recognized for being a CR7 partner. Besides that, Georgina Rodriguez is in incredible shape and always has been; even after the birth of her child, she was able to get back in incredible shape. So how does Georgina Rodriguez keep herself so fit?
Well, I read in an interview where Georgina Rodriguez stated that she was embarrassed during the first workout with her partner Cristiano. She was not in shape to work out so well with the world’s most outstanding athlete. However, now gradually, Georgina Rodriguez has become one of the fittest models for sure. The reason for her fitness is by two different main workouts. One of Georgina Rodriguez’s workouts that she practiced for a long time is Ballet, as you can see in this video.
In that interview, Georgina Rodriguez even stated that Ballet was one of the workouts that forced her to always stay in the best shape. It’s essential for ballet dancers to always stay in a lean and toned body shape, which was also why Georgina Rodriguez chose that workout. The other workout that Georgina Rodriguez does a lot is gym toning workout. You will see Georgina Rodriguez a lot in the gym, doing different exercises with a resistance band, weights, etc.
Even when the country was in lockdown, Georgina Rodriguez was keeping up with her working at her home gym, as you can see here. She focuses more on a workout these days, as she is also busy with kids and stuff. So to get a body like that, you would need to follow five to six days of workout, in which we will do a little bit of cardio, and then we will hit the gym and do some circuit weight training. So let’s get started:
Georgina Rodriguez workout includes:

Circuit Routine
Before going on with the circuit routine, ensure that you get warmed up with a good cardio workout. For example, you can do 15-20 minutes of running at a moderate pace and then finish it with some good stretching workouts.
Once you get done with that, we will move on to our circuit routine. Now in this, we will be doing five days of circuit training in which we will be training core every day. Again, the lower body and upper body will be divided into 3:2. So let’s get started:
Circuit: 3
Exercise in each circuit: 4
Reps: 15,12,10
Rest time after the circuit: 80 to 120 seconds
- Weighted squats
- Barbell squats
- Goblet squats
- Leg press
- Leg extension
- Lunges
- Calf raises
- Seated calf raises
- Crunches
- Leg raises
- Russian twist
- Plank hold
- Push-ups
- Chest press
- Dumbbell press
- Dumbbell flyes
- Wide grip lat pulldowns
- Cable rows
- Dumbbell rows
- Dumbbell deadlifts
- Ball plank in and out crunches
- Hanging leg raises
- Cable wood chops
- Side plank to a crunch
- Banded squat walks
- Dumbbell explosive squats
- Stability squats
- Leg curls
- Dumbbell sumo squats
- Curtsy lunge
- Stiff-leg deadlift
- Single leg pushdowns
- Incline weighted crunches
- Leg lifts up
- Scissor kicks
- Plank reach
- Shoulder press
- Lateral raises
- Front raise
- Shrugs
- Biceps curls
- Barbell curls
- Triceps pushdown
- Triceps kickbacks
- Reverse crunches
- Bicycle crunches
- Plank twister
- Plank to toe touch
- Deep smith machine squats
- Hack squats
- Bulgarian squats
- Hip thruster
- Hip abduction
- Donkey cable kickbacks
- Glutes hyperextension
- Glutes cable kickbacks
- Toe touch crunches
- Hanging leg raises
- Side high plank
- Stability ball plank
That’s all for the Georgina Rodriguez workout routine.
Also Read: Juliana Paes Diet Plan and Workout Routine
Georgina Rodriguez Diet Plan
Sadly, Georgina Rodriguez’s diet is not known, and she has never given an interview regarding her diet. However, thinking about how she stays consistent with her workout, I’m sure her diet must be healthy as well. Plus, she is the girlfriend of the fittest athlete, so indeed, they must eat similar foods. So, I will give you a diet that will help you get a body like Georgina Rodriguez.
Georgina Rodriguez diet includes:

Georgina Rodriguez Diet Plan