The Mysterious Tree Species That Produces Fruits Resembling Girls: Nareepol
The image of a tree species that produces fruits identical to a girl has been circulating on social media for a long time, causing many people to be skeptical. Some…
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The discovery of the mystery behind an unusual fruit by a female Brazilian gardener
Another piece of evidence to support the notion that anything related to Brazil is “sensual” has emerged. A woman who works as a gardener in the city of San Jose…
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Harvest Delight! Fruity bunches of fruit just harvested this season
Aѕ аutumn ѕetѕ іn, fаrmers аcross the сountryside аre hаrd аt work brіngіng іn theіr hаrvest. For mаny, thіs іs the moѕt rewаrding tіme of the yeаr, а tіme when…
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Unidentified Flying Object-Shaped Clouds Spotted Over Keck Observatory in Hawaii Skies
A saucer-shaped cloud above a mountain in a blue sky Observers spotted UFO look-alike clouds in Hawaiian skies above the Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa volcanoes. The photos were taken…
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An Unforgettable Spectacle: A Thousand-Year Storm Crossing a Breathtaking Cloud-Covered Desert
If you’ve ever ѕeen а ѕtoгm move through the deѕert, you know іt’ѕ а ѕіght to behold. The сontrаst between the һагѕһ, dry terrаіn аnd the рowerful forсeѕ of nаture…
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Pigeon That Can’t Fly And Puppy That Can’t Walk Form An Incredibly Beautiful Friendship In Shelter
It’s no secret that different species of animals can create amazingly strong friendships, but these friendships are even more meaningful and inspiring if they come from the “abnormal” beings like…
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Oldest Tree in the World Found: It’s Called Great-Grandfather and is 5,484 years old
Chilean scientists have identified a four-metre-thick Patagonian cypress known as the Great-Grandfather to be the world’s oldest living tree, beating the current record-holder by over 600 years. Image credit: Alerce…
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This Photographer Has Captured The Tender Friendship Between a Dog And an Owl (19 pics)
The stories of friendships born between animals of different species are not uncommon. But I wouldn’t have believed that an owl and a dog could become the best friends of…
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35 Wholesome Duck Pics That Will Hopefully Make You Smile
When it comes to cuteness of aquatic birds, we vote for ducks. They’re fluffy. They’re cuddly. They’ll brighten up even the darkest of days. The more you learn about ducks,…
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Scientists Sank Three Dead Gators to the Seafloor and They Have Only Scary Explanations As to What Happened to One of Them
A new experiment to find out what kind of life exists on the seafloor has raised the possibility of a truly gigantic animal lurking in the dark depths of the…
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