If you followed the old WWF’s ‘Attitude Era’, you might remember all those catch phrases coined by Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. This is the time in which he built his character and transformed it into what we know today as ‘The People’s Champ’. Amongst those phrases, there are so many that became a staple of what he is today. Now that he is part of the baord at WWE’s parent company TKO, Johnson decided to make a power play with many of those phrases and also names. He filed an ownership of intellectual property certification of the greatest hits. As such, ‘The Rock’ now owns anything related to that and he will profit from all of them.

Which IP does Dwayne Johnson own now?

Amongst the terms, names, and catch phrases Johnson owns, the list goes deep. He now owns rights to The Rock, Rocky Maivia, Team Corporate, Rock Nation, The Nation, Roody Poo, Candy Ass, Jabroni, The Samoan Sensation, The Blue Chipper, The Brahma Bull, The People’s Champion, The Great One, The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment. As far as catch phrases goes, he owns ‘If you smell what The Rock is cooking’, ‘Know Your Role and Shut Your Mouth’, ‘Team Bring It’, ‘Just Bring It’, ‘The People’s Elbow’, ‘Rock Bottom’, ‘Finally, The Rock has come back to…’, ‘It doesn’t matter what’, ‘Blue Hell’, ‘The millions… (and millions)’, ‘Rockpocalypse’, and ‘Project Rock’.

For every single one of those names and phrases, The Rock will be able to collect royalties in connnection with sales and merchandise that bear these trademarks. This includes jabroni and candy ass over the next 10 years. There is only one stipulation that Johnson needs to respect. He can’t license the IP to companies that are competitive with TKO. Apart from this and his seat on the board, TKO also awarded Dwayne a $30 million stock reward. This information was first published by Alex Weprin at The Hollywood Reporter.